Category Archives: Divorce

What to Expect at a Divorce Temporary Hearing
Usually, a divorce temporary hearing is the first step in a very long process, especially in contested divorce matters. However, the temporary hearing is not a meaningless scrimmage or warm-up game. Instead, in many ways, the divorce temporary hearing sets the tone for the remainder of the proceeding. At this stage, judges usually make… Read More »

What to Expect in a Gray Divorce
Marriage dissolution over age 50 was once almost unheard of. Today, it’s extremely common. Roughly a third of people over age 50 live alone. The empty nest syndrome is real. People who invested heavily in their children’s lives often have little left to invest in a spouse. Additionally, simmering tensions over the years often… Read More »

What to Expect in a Divorce Case
Divorce laws underwent radical change in the 1970s, first with no-fault divorce laws and later with joint custody provisions. Marriage dissolution underwent another sea change in the 1990s and early 2000s, as many states, including Florida, adopted co-parenting laws. In these states, children no longer “live with” one parent and “visit” the other, at… Read More »

Special Procedural Issues in a Gray Divorce Case
Most over-55 divorce cases end the same way. Over 90 percent of civil cases settle out of court. But the road to a settlement in a gray divorce case is much different than the road to a settlement in other divorce matters. These matters involve unique financial and emotional matters. Financially, many older couples… Read More »

Florida Alimony Reform in 2023, Part II
In part one of this riveting series, we examined reforms to the types of alimony in Florida. In this post, we’ll look at changes to the factors that determine the amount and duration of payments. The end of permanent alimony, which we discussed in Part I, was the most contentious part of the alimony… Read More »

Emotional Issues In A Palm Beach County Divorce Matter
For many years, like most other states, Florida had a joint custody law. The “joint” usually only referred to legal custody, or who makes important decisions for the children. In terms of physical custody, children lived with one parent and visited the other one. Today, Florida has a co-parenting law. This law presumes that… Read More »

Social Media & Your Divorce
Social media websites like Facebook and Instagram provide a convenient way to keep in touch with family and friends. By scrolling through a friend’s profile, you can keep abreast of their lives and watch their children grow. However, social media can also move front and center in a Jupiter divorce. At Caroline Olsen, P.A.,… Read More »

Protecting Yourself Financially as a Domestic Violence Victim
Filing for divorce is often the first step domestic violence victims take to free themselves of their abuser. However, many find it is difficult to move on financially. If you’ve been victimized, you might have depended on your spouse’s income, which is one reason why you stayed in the relationship despite the abuse. Other… Read More »

How to Divorce a Missing Spouse
Everyone is entitled to their day in court, which is why getting divorced when your spouse is missing becomes so complicated. Courts are leery of quickly granting a divorce without hearing from your husband or wife. Fortunately, Florida has laws that allow a person to get divorced by publication. Essentially, the publication of your… Read More »

Separating but Not Divorcing: What are the Dangers?
Many couples go through rough patches and temporarily separate, hoping that they can get back together again. These “temporary” separations can eventually lengthen to years apart. As any experienced Jupiter divorce attorney will tell you, there are risks to separating without divorce. Although divorce might not be ideal, it can protect certain rights and… Read More »