Author Archives: Jay Butchko

Protecting Yourself Financially as a Domestic Violence Victim
Filing for divorce is often the first step domestic violence victims take to free themselves of their abuser. However, many find it is difficult to move on financially. If you’ve been victimized, you might have depended on your spouse’s income, which is one reason why you stayed in the relationship despite the abuse. Other… Read More »

Co-parenting during the Holidays
The holidays are stressful for everybody. Buying gifts, scheduling to meet family, and demands at work often conspire to turn December into an ulcer-inducing month for even the most organized person. Throw coparenting into the mix, and many mothers and fathers reasonably dread the holiday season. However, co-parenting during the holidays can often go… Read More »

Is Florida Your Child’s Home State?
Each state in the nation sets its own family laws, and this fact can create a problem when parents move with children across state lines. Fortunately, Florida has signed onto the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA), which sets ground rules for determining which court has the power (“jurisdiction”) to decide custody… Read More »

How to Divorce a Missing Spouse
Everyone is entitled to their day in court, which is why getting divorced when your spouse is missing becomes so complicated. Courts are leery of quickly granting a divorce without hearing from your husband or wife. Fortunately, Florida has laws that allow a person to get divorced by publication. Essentially, the publication of your… Read More »

Is My Retirement Account Marital Property?
Our clients work hard to prepare for retirement, but divorce can upend even the most carefully laid plans. Unfortunately, retirement accounts often qualify as marital property. This means that a judge could order that some or all of the account be given to your spouse as part of a divorce. At the office of… Read More »

Divorce Issues for Small Business Owners
Divorce and business don’t mix. Nevertheless, small business owners could quickly lose control of their business when their marriage ends up in divorce court. Florida is an equitable distribution state, and some or all of a business’ value could be subject to division. If you have built a small business, you need an attorney… Read More »

Separating but Not Divorcing: What are the Dangers?
Many couples go through rough patches and temporarily separate, hoping that they can get back together again. These “temporary” separations can eventually lengthen to years apart. As any experienced Jupiter divorce attorney will tell you, there are risks to separating without divorce. Although divorce might not be ideal, it can protect certain rights and… Read More »

Physician Divorce: Challenges & Solutions
In many ways, the divorce process is the same for everybody in Florida. But high net-worth individuals and small business owners face certain pitfalls, which can make their divorces more complicated. Without the right attorney, you could lose much more than a spouse in a divorce. At Caroline Olson, P.A., our Jupiter divorce lawyers… Read More »

Should You Start Dating Before Your Divorce is Finalized?
It is perfectly legal to date while you are going through a divorce in Florida—but should you? This is a separate question quite apart from the legality or propriety of doing so. A divorce can take a long time, sometimes more than a year, and many people are eager to jump back in the… Read More »

How a Criminal Record Can Affect Parenting & Timesharing
Parents always retain the right to draft their own parenting plan. They can allocate time sharing as they see fit, and most judges will sign off on an agreement. However, when parents cannot agree on a parenting plan, a judge must come up with something, and judges decide time sharing based on the best… Read More »