Jupiter Enforcement Lawyer
When a court finalizes a divorce, that final decree becomes a legally binding court order. This means that both parties are required to abide by its terms, including any agreements regarding property division, alimony, and child custody or support. Any failure to comply with the terms of a court order can result in significant penalties, including contempt of court proceedings, fines, modified visitation, and wage garnishment. If your own former partner is failing to abide by the terms of your divorce decree, or you are being unfairly accused of doing so, consider reaching out to an experienced Jupiter enforcement lawyer for help.
Enforcing a Child Custody or Support Order
Couples with a court-ordered parenting plan in place are required to strictly comply with the terms of that arrangement. Unfortunately, many parents fail to do so by:
- Frequently missing visitation exchanges;
- Engaging in a chronic pattern of showing up late;
- Interfering with the other parent’s visitation time;
- Failing to take the child to school, to the doctor, or to court-ordered counseling sessions; or
- Abusing drugs or alcohol in the presence of the child.
Alternatively, a parent could be showing up for visitation, but may be violating a child support or alimony order by skipping payments or not paying the full amount. There are a couple of options for those whose former partners are engaging in this kind of behavior. For instance, the complying party can attempt to negotiate with the other person. The failure to follow the custody or support agreement could be due to a misunderstanding, or it may even be necessary to change it because of differing work schedules or health issues. If this doesn’t prove fruitful, then the parent may need to take the non-complying party to court.
Taking a Non-Complying Party to Court
If negotiation proves unsuccessful and a parent continues to violate the terms of a custody or support order, then it may be necessary to take the non-complying party to court. Those who go this route should be sure to keep clear records of the violation, noting dates and details about the problem. Copies of emails, text messages, and phone records can also be helpful in demonstrating a former partner’s non-compliance with a court order. When someone has enough documentation to prove the violation, he or she can ask the court to:
- Order the non-complying party to pay back support or make up lost parenting time;
- Reaffirm or adjust the parenting plan, child support, or alimony award;
- Hold the other party in contempt of court, which can come with jail time;
- Order the non-compliant spouse to pay court costs and attorney fees;
- Establish a payment plan for the other party to follow;
- Garnish the other party’s wages; or
- Suspend the other party’s driver’s license.
Which of these methods will best support compliance with your own divorce decree depends on your specific situation. Call our legal team today for an evaluation of your own case.
A Jupiter Enforcement Lawyer
To speak with an experienced Jupiter enforcement lawyer about enforcing your own custody arrangement, child support agreement, or alimony award, feel free to call Caroline Olson, P.A. You can reach us at 561-288-0548 or via online message.