Monthly Archives: November 2023

Critical FAQs About Florida Protective Orders
The law that controls protective orders in Florida, Section 741, is long, complex, and fraught with Legalese. Such laws are difficult for non-lawyers to interpret even under normal circumstances. Domestic violence transforms normal circumstances into unnatural circumstances. Furthermore, in many cases, domestic violence blindsides victims. They have no idea it’s coming. So, to make… Read More »

What to Expect in a Divorce Case
Divorce laws underwent radical change in the 1970s, first with no-fault divorce laws and later with joint custody provisions. Marriage dissolution underwent another sea change in the 1990s and early 2000s, as many states, including Florida, adopted co-parenting laws. In these states, children no longer “live with” one parent and “visit” the other, at… Read More »

Classifying and Dividing Marital Property in Florida
The Sunshine State, like most other jurisdictions, is an equitable division state. The final divorce order, whether a judge enters it or the parties submit an agreed order, must equitably divide marital property. That rule seems straightforward, but in most cases, it isn’t. A premarital agreement eliminates most of the subtle complexities which are… Read More »

Five Escalating Signs of PAS
Emotional changes in a divorce are usually inevitable and temporary. Parental Alienation Syndrome is different. These emotional changes are neither inevitable nor temporary. The alienating parent, who’s usually the primary residential parent, tries to emotionally separate the child from the targeted parent, who’s usually the non primary parent. Parental kidnapping, which is rare but… Read More »